Puppies are cute, but they can also be a lot of work. If you’re a new pet parent, chances are you’re finding out just how much work dogs can be. Especially when it comes to nighttime crying. Some young pups will cry throughout the night for weeks on end, and it’s tough to figure out what’s wrong and how to make it stop. In this post, we’ll explore some of the reasons mutts might keep crying at night, and we’ll give you some tips on how to help them calm down. So keep reading for more info!
Why puppies might cry at night
When they first come home, they may be feeling scared and unsettled in their new surroundings. This can cause them to cry at night. There are a few other reasons why puppies might cry at night, including needing to go to the bathroom, being too cold or hot, or being hungry. Additionally, young dogs have a lot of energy and may not be able to settle down at night.

What you can do to help your puppy stop crying at night

It’s normal for pups to cry at night. They’re away from their littermates and everything is new to them. But there are steps you can take to help your young canine feel more comfortable and stop crying. First, make sure your pup has a comfortable place to sleep. A crate or dog bed with a soft blanket will do. Second, give your little mutt plenty of exercise during the day so he or she will sleep better at night. Third, establish a puppy bedtime routine of quiet time followed by some play, then put your pup in his or her bed and say goodnight. Finally, be patient and consistent. Your little furry friend will learn that crying at night doesn’t get him or her anything and will eventually stop.
How getting your puppy to sleep through the night
Luckily, there are a few steps you can take to help encourage your fur baby to sleep through the night.
First, create a comfortable sleeping space. This may be a crate or a dog bed in a quiet area of your home. Put in some soft bedding and make sure the area is not too hot or too cold. You may also want to include a toy or blanket that has your scent on it to help your young canine feel comforted and safe.
Next, establish a bedtime routine for your puppy. Doing the same things in the same order every night will help signal to your pup that it is time to go to sleep. For example, you could brush their teeth, read them a short story, and then give them a final bathroom break before heading off to bed yourself.
Finally, stick to a consistent schedule. Be consistent on the sleeping and waking up habit. Puppies need lots of rest, so aim for at least 10 hours of sleep per night.
Tips for crate training your puppy so he won’t cry at night
If you’re thinking about crate training your puppy, congratulations! Crate training is a great way to help your young canine adjust to his new home and create a lifetime of good habits. Here are a few tips to get you started:
1. Choose the right size crate. Your mutt should be able to stand up and turn around comfortably in his crate. If he’s too cramped, he won’t be able to sleep well. However, if the crate is too large, he may be tempted to use one end as a bathroom.
2. Create a cozy space. Put a soft blanket or towel in the crate for your little dog to snuggle up in. You may also want to put a toy or chew bone in the crate so he has something to do when he’s in there.
3. Start slow. Don’t just close your puppy in the crate and leave him there for hours on end. Start by putting him in the crate for short periods while you’re still around. Gradually increase the amount of time he spends in the crate until he’s comfortable spending several hours there during the day.
4. Take it easy at night. When it’s bedtime, put your puppy in his crate with a chew bone or favorite toy and give him a goodnight kiss. He may cry at first, but if you stick to your routine, he’ll soon learn that nighttime is for sleeping and not for crying.

What to do if your puppy continues to cry at night after following all of these tips
If your puppy continues to cry at night after following all of these tips, you may need to consult your veterinarian. There could be an underlying health condition causing your young mutt to cry, such as separation anxiety or teething pain. Your vet will be able to rule out any medical causes and provide you with additional advice specific to your pup’s needs. Crying is often a sign that something isn’t quite right, so if your puppy is struggling, don’t hesitate to reach out for help.
Conclusion: It is very important to be patient with puppies, they need time to learn that they are safe in their new home and that their owners will always be there for them. If you follow the tips above, your fur baby should start to sleep through the night within a few weeks. Some pups may take longer than others to adjust to their new home. If the problem persists after four or five weeks consult with your veterinarian.